Global street photography shot on 35mm Ilford and Kodak film.
A butcher takes a brief break in the midst of Sunday's market rush.
Shot in Siracusa, Sicily.

The petals of summer bloom along the Mediterranean coastline.
Shot in Mykonos, Greece.
Nothing tastes better than local.
Shot in Siracusa, Sicily.

A myriad of languages echo the same demand: take my photo.
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
It is possible to fall in love with a street corner.
Shot in Paris, France.

Bright lights and carnival nights.
Shot in London, England.
Sit in sunny bliss on a Bill & Coo suite balcony.
Shot in Mykonos, Greece.

The hands of a fisherman swiftly slice the morning's catch.
Shot in Siracusa, Sicily.
Breathe in the candied steam of mulled wine and feel the chill of Christmas.
Shot in Budapest, Hungary.

Cigarette smoke and smiles.
Shot in Siracusa, Sicily.

Untouched Tranquility.
Shot in Killarney, Ireland.
Waiting for the party.
Shot in Copenhagen, Denmark.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
London, England.